
What is a relationship?

The question "what is a relationship?" rivals the timeless of question of "what came first the chicken or the egg?" We've all found ourselves asking this question at one time or another. We wonder whether we are in one. Whether we want to be in one. Whether our partner would fit into one. And what it means to have one.

Here's what I don't think a relationship is: I don't think a relationship blossoms out of one date, followed by one way non-stop phone calls (ten in one day), calling their place of work to figure out their work schedule, leaving three messages on facebook and five voicemails in a twenty-four hour period.

What I would call that: stalking.

A few weeks later when the calls persist and my friends decide to intervene with advice, it becomes apparent that I have no choice but to make contact to end it. After a long, tedious conversation I finally make it clear that it's over - I clearly lack the will and desire to give him the attention he needs. His parting advice: "Maybe you don't know what's going to happen in the future, but I think I do." - Hmmm. But that wasn't the most puzzling thing he said.

Apparently, "you don't need to talk to be in a relationship." WHAT? I missed that memo.

Luckily, I was grounded in reality by a message from my knight in shining whatever. He said he'll miss me while he's away tomorrow. And even though we aren't in a relationship, we are on the same page. I'll miss him too.

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