
Afternoon delight

In my new little dress, I found myself frolicking arm-in-arm with my knight in shining whatever through the sidewalks of Yorkville this afternoon. Okay, so maybe arm-in-arm is a bit of an exaggeration. That kind of sweetness is overwhelming anyway. What I mean to say is that this afternoon my high school ex boyfriend and I went to the movies together.

It was a lovely sunshiny day and thankfully there have been many since winter parted, particularly as his trip to Europe becomes more imminent. Regardless, I was just happy to be in his presence at a foreign and romantic film, about Paris! Yes, I do love Paris. His cheeky attention and playful enthusiasm made me enjoy the witty banter I became enthralled in as we traversed from Bloor back to our suburban oasis.

To an outsider we might have looked like friends, on the subway we might have seemed to look like we were having a fight (no, three pairs of jeans are too many for a two week trip to Europe, two max, etc etc) but between the banter were laughs, looks of contentment and more significantly of understanding. I found myself here, there and everywhere but always, eternally and comfortably me.

Besides, those sweet couples in the subway always leave a sour taste in my mouth, as if that kind of affection overload can be sickening. I'll admit that the highlight of my day was when he turned to me and said he had a great day, he got to see a movie with the most beautiful girl in Toronto. I might have gotten a tad bit melty, for just for a moment and then mid-blush I rolled my eyes.

If you passed us you might have written us off quickly as a nothing pairing, but one of the old ladies in the theatre gave me a somewhat knowing look and I'm going to take this meaningless sign that something has changed between us. I'm finally on the radar, he finally makes plans with me, asks me how my day has been, threatens to beat up my stalker, he even offered to bring me dinner the other night. He's earning his knight in shining whatever title and I'm soaking in these sunshiny rays.

After-all, in less than a week he'll be in another continent and the story of my life will have just a tad more continuity. Until then I can only cross my fingers in hopes of more of these delightful days filled with unexpected attention. Maybe when he returns he'll really be mine. Maybe.

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