
And breathe

Today was the kind of day where it was too hot to breathe. The air was heavy, the breeze was thick. Despite my best efforts to spend the day melting away by the pool, I was interrupted by a ring at the door. My knight and shining whatever appears out of thick air and asks if I want to run some errands with him for his big trip across the Atlantic.

This little escapade screams boyfriend to me. We went to pick up his tux for his brothers wedding. He looked beyond handsome. We went to Winners to buy clothes, we went to Chapters, he bought me bubble tea. We were closer I think then we've ever been, sharing our day so easily and when he said "lets go home" I could almost picture what that would be. And yet, in a few days we'll have an ocean between us.

What is it with the damn Atlantic. Everytime I start to fall for a boy, that salt water gets in the way. My Italian, my London boy, and now my knight in shining whatever... the same theme, boy and girl skirt the issue of a relationship, boy plans trip to Europe, boy is wonderful to girl, girl helps boy get ready, boy flies away, girl watches his airplane while tanning in this thick heat. Girl struggles to breathe.

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