
Good riddance

I'm pissed or at least I was. Now all my problemas are flying in an airplane. "See ya", I want to say but our goodbye was much more complicated then that.

It began with a breezy MSN conversation gone wrong. "I hope I get to see you before you leave," I said. "Depends on our schedules" is the response I get that leaves a stingy lump in my chest. WTF???

For all the energy, concern, assistance I've devoted to him these past few weeks and that's the best I get?

But it wasn't. He drops into work two days before he leaves to say "I wanted to see you and I didn't know if I'd get another chance, I'll call you tomorrow." The girls ask why the boy they detest is kissing my ass.

Sunday comes without a phone call. Until 10.30 p.m. and arranging him to see him is more painful than removing gum from your hair, sans scissors. I arrive. In what seems like an instant he goes from cold and distant to warm and passionately intimate. But isn't that our way?

Tucked within a grasp that won't let go he says "I might miss you." I muster the strength to respond with, "I know you will" - for the thirty times I got up to leave him since I arrived, this time his lips, not his eyes asked me to stay. I concede but only for another five minutes or so.

As we finally move to part he says he'll e-mail. Whether he does or not I'm not sure I'll care too much although it would be a nice surprise. Honestly I think I'm more relieved than anything. At work today I was almost positively giddy over it.

No more problemas for at least two weeks. Yippie!

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