
a new week, a new boy

It's a new week in Sydney, which means it's time to mix it up with a new boy. Not that anything was wrong with the old ones, it's just that my Italian boy is getting a little clingy. What used to be endearingly cute text messages that I would feverishly try to translate have somehow become annoyances. I'm sure some girls would relish the idea of ten cute text messages a day, but I suddenly find myself less enamoured by there contents. This might be in part because I may have let things go a little far last week. Suffice to say, I'm bored, and as mean as it is, I'm applying my "love 'em and leave 'em " strategy.

I spent Monday night on a very nice date with another cute chef, this one from New Zealand. The difference is, he is aspiring to be a journalist and unlike my Italian chef, we actually have very nice thoughtful conversations. He picked me up and kissed me on the cheek and we headed off for a nice walk and dinner at a somewhat fancy Thai restaurant. We chatted all throughout dinner and he wooed me with his thoughts about the world. As the perfect gentleman he is he treated me to dinner and when I thanked him for the night he leaned down for a brief kiss.

He called me yesterday (a first, since everyone in this backwards land loves to text), and asked me to go to the Art Gallery with him tomorrow afternoon. Of course, I swooned.

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