
On fluffery

At first when my knight-in-shining-whatever came back from his European adventure he seemed a bit different. Mostly because he quit using his incessantly irritating catch phrase "good to know." I wrote it off as a whim of worldliness. But now he's doing all kinds of things that are throwing off the balance of my universe.

On Friday he persuaded me to apply for my dream job because "you're wonderful" and "when you get an interview they'll love you." I wrote off this fluffery (in the same conversation he called me a "goddess") until Saturday. He did something he NEVER does, he called "just because I was thinking of you." I had to fight back the urge to say, "really?" and take the edge off with a sarcastic remark like, "well aren't you just so sweet?" Today when I run into him on my way to work he's as handsome as ever and full of his sweet empty compliments. I want to roll my eyes but I find it fruitless to do so when I'm already enveloped in a warm hug of his initiation.

I wish he'd say, "be mine" but instead I settle for "Let's get together, call me."

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