
Ticket to ride

I quit my jobs, I paid my tuition and today I've booked my seat on one of the few nonstop flights halfway around the world! It's time for some change of pace in this single girl's life and I'm 55 days away from an Australian adventure and the beginning of my Master's program. I can picture myself leaving all my worries, troubles, underpaid jobs, debt and useless love exploits away. Yippee! It hardly seems real, except that as soon as a little birdie announces my soon to be scarcity I get a phone call...

...from the London Boy. "I've been so self-absorbed. I'd hate for you to go a whole world away without me getting a chance to see you." His story sounds vaguely familiar. In fact, I'm absolutely certain I've heard it before. So without raising a shocked eyebrow I agree because this time I'll believe it when I see it.

And whether or not it happens, I still have a ticket to ride and I don't care!

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