
The set-up date

For those of you who remember Brett, it's any wonder that I agreed to let my co-worker (and good friend) set me up on blind date. It may have been a combination of timing and desperation that led me to an uptown bar on Sunday night, but from the moment I arrived I found myself swept away.

I do have to admit I was a bit of a chicken-little and persuaded my friend, the setter-upper, and her boyfriend to attend, because no one wants to find themselves smack in the middle of another blind date where her date is telling her that her naivety is what is informing her worldview (not volumes of books, articles and a stellar education, but I digress).

As for digressions, well, the conversation flowed like a river after winter's first thaw. We talked about everything: food, family, food, friends, work, food (we talked a lot about food). And we laughed, it's not often that someone catches my wit wholeheartedly. Okay, but maybe I should backtrack to what happened when I first showed up, announced, at the table. My 'date' stands, hugs me warmly and kisses me on the cheek (one cheek). The first thing I notice is that he's tall: 6'3" to be exact. He's the boy next door. He has a great smile and a dry, raspy but soothing voice I could (and did) listen to for hours.

I have a lot on my mind, so the fact that I could be engaged for so long, by so many of my date's stories, was well, shocking. And at the same time, I really did feel like he was trying to get to know me too - his poignant questions, contemplated digressions, always drew me into what he was saying. I think what I'm getting at was that there was an ease here and as rare as it is, it was complemented by an energetic chemistry.

Although I had been drinking all day (I was at a bridal shower earlier), I don't think it was the alcohol that made me come away from this 'date' knowing I liked him. His demeanor, his presence, his smile made me lose the weight I'd been carrying. I don't know how to explain this any other way except that it feels good to be around him.

On the way home, my friend calls to tell me he's 'smitten' and it's no surprise when he calls tonight, flattering me with flattery, charming me with charm, humouring me with humour. So when he tells me he'd love to take me out to dinner, just us, how could I help but say yes, because even though my feet aren't on the ground, a smile is pursed on my lips.

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